THE WAAL STREET JOURNAL https://www.wsj.com/articles/refugees-from-russia-ukraine-mingle-in-mexican-border-town11650542401?st=wyy9nhklbj5cqud&reflink=desktopwebshare_permalink
Sin hambre
It is a non-profit civil association, promoted by volunteers from both sides of the border.
Our efforts began during the pandemic. Seeing how our city was hit by a hunger crisis and unemployment, we realized that through food we can make a big change.
Our greatest achievement has been to position ourselves, in less than three years, as a leading foundation against hunger and food insecurity.
● Cocina Tijuana Sin Hambre
Calle Melchor Ocampo 921, Zona Centro
● Café D´Volada Auditorio
Blvd. Gustavo Díaz Ordaz #4055 L-2 Colonia El Prado.
● Café Blue Luna sucursal Otay Industrial
Blvd. Alberto Limón Padilla 179 Int.11 y 12 Plaza Nueva Tijuana
● Caseta fraccionamiento Las Plazas
Blvd. Las Plazas s/n. Col Las Plazas
Calle Melchor Ocampo 921, Zona Centro
Blvd. Alberto Limón Padilla 179 Int.11 y 12 Plaza Nueva Tijuana
Blvd. Gustavo Díaz Ordaz #4055 L-2 Colonia El Prado.
Blvd. Las Plazas s/n. Col Las Plazas
THE WAAL STREET JOURNAL https://www.wsj.com/articles/refugees-from-russia-ukraine-mingle-in-mexican-border-town11650542401?st=wyy9nhklbj5cqud&reflink=desktopwebshare_permalink